Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Great Divide

Earlier this week the House passed the stimulus bill with no G.O.P. votes.

Not a one. Partisan politics are alive and well. The Democrats and Republicans have been ideologically opposed on most major fronts for as long as I can remember.

The American public itself is divided too. There has been much talk of red states and blue states. President Obama was elected with 52% of the popular vote. A victory for sure but far from a land united.

Progressive ideas are needed to move forward in the 21st century. Leadership is possible when people are willing to be led. The times call for swift action, decisive meausres, and pragmatic solutions.

I wonder if the strokes will be bold enough to overcome the sheer folly of it all.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Strange Days Indeed

You can't possibly blame anyone if they fail to grasp this recession.

We have never lived in one. Not in my lifetime for sure. There were the bubbles of course, a savings and loan crisis, stagflation in the 1970's, a dot com bust, and otherwise.

This feels different to me. It as if what was once old, is indeed old and never to be new again.

Deregulation was sheer folly. Alan Greenspan was no genius. Wall Street will cease to exist as it once was.

I notice that people seem dumbstruck by the course of events. They appear as stale, glazed donuts. The endless optimism of recent days seems forever ago. It has all come to an end. For now at least.

I will argue that unbridled zeal for free market capitalism has seen its last days.

There are a variety of reasons to support this claim. First and foremost, I believe (and have stated for quite some time) that the scope and scale of this situation is far worse than people tend to believe. Beyond that, I am curious as to where future growth lies. We are all bankrupt of course, if not leveraged to the hilt.

This may be a good thing. There is probably more to life than a Hummer, suburban McMansions, and triple, grande soy lattes. Don't tell my Starbucks barista however, because I pick up the NY Times there every morning. At least while it is still in print.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Am American

The prevailing thought was that he would evoke FDR. Lincoln seemed inevitable. A reference to Camelot perhaps, considering the sacrafices that must follow today.

Instead he delivered General Washington. May we cue the revolution (CleanTech) now?

Leadership was absent from the Oval Office under the direction of George Walker Bush. No more. President Obama was able to stand and deliver.

Now we move forward. We can no longer afford to be short sighted as a nation. There is no time to ignore the prevailing issues of the day. America has a responsibility to be a beacon of light to all people. That is our Democracy.

There is much to overcome.

Yet, we have recently witnessed history. If you have a vision, and you believe you can make it true, than indeed, yes, we can!

America has become complacent. We are often indifferent to those around us. Cynicism and sarcasm are too common amongst all men.

President Obama's greatest quality may be that he can bring a community together. Now, in the modern age, when considering the scale and scope of our problems there may be no greater challenge.

The moment is upon us. An engaged electorate has put into office the 44th President of the United States of America. He may be an everyman.

I am proud to be an American today. Yes, we can.