Sunday, October 11, 2009

President Obama's Prize

The boobs are out in full force since President Obama was awarded the nobel prize this past week. As one would expect, the central arguments against this decision focus on his lack of experience and results thus far in his presidency. The peanut gallery mocks, "What have you done?", in horror.

This isn't about experience or results folks. That is a ruse. This is about ideology, what one believes in, and those who stand to lose the most are outraged.

The general global disposition towards the US towards the end of George W's presidency was abysmal. The mere fact that President Obama was elected shifted perceptions towards our country literally, overnight and his pragmatic stance towards numerous issues has reinforced those early beliefs of those around the world.

Now, many are going to recoil in horror in that we are even paying attention to Europe, China, or otherwise. *This land is your land, this land is my land,* fra, la, la. Get over it people. The world has changed! The modern reality of economics, energy, health care, geopolitics, etc., et. al. This has changed too!!

Can you imagine that we are no longer in the same position we once were at the end of WWII? Could it be that the 1980s are over?

People may talk about experience and results when discussing President Obama. What they are really bemoaning is his ideology. It is not their own. For me, this is worthy of a prize in and of itself.

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